Introduction Last time, we took a peak at a poorly misconfigured Windows machine. Today, we will switch things up a bit and take a look at the machine Funnel. This is a beginner level machine that primarily explores port forwarding and tunneling in order to gain escalated privileges within a network. Let’s get to pwning! Task 1: Simple nmap -sC -sV -sT scan output: Not shown: 998 closed tcp ports (conn-refused) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 21/tcp open ftp vsftpd 3.

Tag(s): [BY: ABE000] [Cybersec] [Hack the Box] Update: Not dead. YO! I realized it’s been quite a while since the first ever article got posted back in july. Well, the bubble is still alive and definitely not dead. Stay tuned for more articles to come. OKAY! With that out of the way, let’s now dive into the real meat of the matter. Step into the ring! Hack The Box is an incredible time investment if you want to dip your toes into the world of penetration testing.

Tag(s): [BY: ABE000] [Cybersec] [Hack the Box] [Updates] Brute-forcing is generally one of the very first vectors of attack to many servers out on the net. It’s an attack that could very much strain system resources if not handled properly. Whether you’re self-hosting your own rig or renting out a VPS, it won’t matter. Any live machine out in the open will always be subject to all sorts of attacks. The core steps shared here should be easily replicable on many systems.

Tag(s): [BY: ABE000] [Cybersec] [Infosec] Welcome to the ECHOBUBBLE, an experimental research blog built with minimalism in mind. Tag(s): [BY: ABE000] [Updates]